# Testing programs with Cmds
allows you to test and simulate responses to
s produced by your Elm program.
(The rest of this page walks through an example of how to do that.)
Testing your program in this way gives a few notable benefits:
Your tests will
more clearly describe how your app interacts with other systems.
Steps in your test will read like
"then the pending HTTP request to example.com
fails with a network error"
instead of
"then the update function gets called with the FetchResponse (Err NetworkError)
Your tests will be more robust to refactoring of your implementation code. Because your tests don't need to directly refer to the internals of your program, your tests will still be valid even if you make drastic changes to the architecture of your code (like extracting new modules, renaming types or variants, or entirely reworking the flow of messages within your program).
's features for testing effects depend on
being able to know what a given effect value represents.
In the Elm architecture (opens new window),
effects are normally represented by the Cmd msg
Unfortunately, Elm does not currently provide a way to
inspect Cmd
values to see which commands they represent.
There's some extra work required to get around this current limitation,
which the rest of this page will walk you through.
Hopefully you'll agree that the benefits (listed above) of testing your program in this way will be worth the extra effort! But be aware of this trade-off when considering whether this type of testing is right for your program.
# Introducing the example program
The rest of this page will be working with an example program that interacts with a fictional API for controlling the lights in your house.
This diagram shows the architecture of the example application.
The Elm code makes HTTP requests to two different endpoints:
to get a list of all the lights that can be controlled,
and /v1/devices/:id
to change the setting of a specific light.
# Goal: the ideal test
The test we want to write represents the following scenario:
- The user loads the main page
- The page requests the list of lights
- The server responds with the list of lights and their current states
- The user clicks "Turn on" for the kitchen lights
- We expect the page to send a request to the server with the correct values
Here's what that test will look like in code:
import Expect
import ProgramTest
import Test exposing (test)
test "controlling a light" <|
\() ->
|> ProgramTest.simulateHttpOk
"""[{"id":"K001", "name":"Kitchen", "dimmable":false, "value":0}]"""
|> ProgramTest.clickButton "Turn on"
|> ProgramTest.expectHttpRequest
(.body >> Expect.equal """{"value":1}""")
However, running this test produces the following failure:
↓ HomeAutomationExampleTest
✗ controlling a light
TEST SETUP ERROR: In order to use simulateHttpResponse,
you MUST use ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects before calling ProgramTest.start
As the error explains, we must use ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects
before the test will work.
But using it requires us to provide a function of type effect -> ProgramTest.SimulatedEffect
Because the effect type of our program
(the type that init
and update
return as the second item in the tuple)
is currently Cmd Msg
(which Elm does not currently allow us to inspect the values of),
we'll need to do the following before the test will work:
- Make a new type which can represent all the effects our program can produce.
- Implement the required
effect -> ProgramTest.SimulatedEffect
function. - Use
to set up the test. - ✅ Watch the test pass!
# Making it work
# Planning the change
Since Elm does not currently allow us to inspect Cmd
the first thing we need to do is define a new type that we can inspect
that can represent all the effects that our update
and init
want to produce.
Our init
and update
functions will change to use this new type,
and we'll also need to define a function that can turn this new type
into Cmd
s for when our program is compiled for production.
So in our existing main module:
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
will change to:
type Effect
init : Flags -> ( Model, Effect )
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect )
perform : Effect -> Cmd Msg
# Defining an "Effect" type
Taking a look through the init
and update
s are being produced —
the new type we make will need to have a variant for each one:
, which itself usesHttp.get
, which itself usesHttp.post
Each variant we create should contain just enough information to
call the functions necessary to create the corresponding Cmd
Following that guideline, we'll end up with an Effect
type like this
and a corresponding perform
type Effect
= NoEffect
| GetDeviceList
{ url : String
, decoder : Json.Decode.Decoder (List Light)
, onResult : Result Http.Error (List Light) -> Msg
| ChangeLight
{ url : String
, body : Json.Encode.Value
, decoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Light
, onResult : Result Http.Error Light -> Msg
perform : Effect -> Cmd Msg
perform effect =
case effect of
NoEffect ->
GetDeviceList { url, onResult, decoder } ->
{ url = url
, expect = Http.expectJson onResult decoder
ChangeLight { url, onResult, decoder, body } ->
{ url = url
, body = Http.jsonBody body
, expect = Http.expectJson onResult decoder
After changing update
and init
to return the corresponding Effect
instead of a Cmd
the final change to make the program compile again is to update our main
to make use of the perform
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init =
\flags ->
init flags
|> Tuple.mapSecond perform
, update =
\msg model ->
update msg model
|> Tuple.mapSecond perform
, subscriptions = subscriptions
, view = view
# Simulating effects
Now that our update
and init
functions use an effect type that
we can inspect the values of, we can write a function for our test suite
that can convert our new Effect
type into simulated effects that
can understand:
import SimulatedEffect.Cmd
import SimulatedEffect.Http
simulateEffects : Main.Effect -> ProgramTest.SimulatedEffect Main.Msg
simulateEffects effect =
case effect of
Main.NoEffect ->
Main.GetDeviceList { url, onResult, decoder } ->
{ url = url
, expect = SimulatedEffect.Http.expectJson onResult decoder
Main.ChangeLight { url, onResult, decoder, body } ->
{ url = url
, body = SimulatedEffect.Http.jsonBody body
, expect = SimulatedEffect.Http.expectJson onResult decoder
You may notice that this looks extremely similar to the perform
function we wrote earlier.
The SimulatedEffect.*
modules are designed to parallel the core Elm modules that produce Cmd
so that writing your simulateEffects
function is as straightforward as possible.
One last step! Now that we have a function of the required type, we can use it to enable effect simulation in our tests:
start : ProgramTest Main.Model Main.Msg Main.Effect
start =
{ init = Main.init
, update = Main.update
, view = Main.view
|> ProgramTest.withSimulatedEffects simulateEffects
|> ProgramTest.start ()
Now that we've enabled effects simulation, our original test will successfully run!
You may have noticed that the test itself never directly refers
to the effect values (GetDeviceList
and ChangeLight
) that we defined.
handles that for you —
when a ProgramTest
receives an effect from your init
or update
it will use the simulateEffects
function we provided to understand what the effect means
and update the state of the test accordingly.
You don't need to worry about the details of how this works —
just know that as long as you provide a simulateEffects
you'll be able to use the full API provided by ProgramTest
for testing HTTP requests.
# Try it out
You can play around with the example here: https://ellie-app.com/6wsbBjZ9z2Ma1 (opens new window) Try editing the tests or the implementation to make the tests fail and see what kind of failure messages you get.